Self-Esteem: Overcome the Lies

Satan is a liar.  One of the tools that he loves to use to hinder people is to convince them that they are not worthy, not good enough, not acceptable, not….whatever.  The purpose of these lies is to cause us to keep our eyes on ourselves.  Then, the insecurities might lead us to take ourselves out of the race that God has called us to run.  Think about it, if we are too busy being hurt over what this person said or what others think about us, or too focused on what we don’t believe we can do, rather than focused on the truth of God, we render ourselves ineffective.  Not only are we helping Satan to pull us down to a level of self-destruction by listening to lies, but we are rendering ourselves ineffective because our eyes are off of the ways in which we can serve others with our gifts and serve the Lord with our lives.

I refuse this trap, and I encourage you to refuse it, too.

We each need to recognize God’s truths about us… We are more than good enough because we are saved by the blood of Jesus (If you want to know how to make sure you are saved, click here).  We were each created by the one and only Everlasting God who decided long ago that He wanted each of us here for such a time as this.   We are told in God’s Word that He has made each of us fearfully and wonderfully and that he has great plans for our lives.

This I will believe, and I encourage you too, as well.

So many Christians think of self-esteem as a bad thing, but that is so not the truth. In my opinion, Christian self-esteem means viewing ourselves through the lens of each of us being God’s beautiful and unique creation. We are each created with value and to allow the enemy and voices of this world to tear down the work of His hands is regrettable. God does not make mistakes, and we are each given giftings to utilize for Him and His purposes. To devalue His gifts is akin to ungratefulness.

Each person is worthy of being treated with honor and respect. I know this because I know that God has created each of us in His image, and He loves each of us so much that He gave his only son as a living sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins and as atonement to be rekindled back into relationship with God himself. Whether Christians saved by grace or those yet to be, God has great plans for each person He has made.

If you are reading this post, you may be searching for and ready to embrace the truth about you.

If you do not yet realize that you have great value, to whom are you listening? Are you comparing yourself to the air-brushed super-models you see in magazines, to the low expectations of a parent or supposed friend, or to your neighbors, relatives, or some fantasy life on TV?

Whatever you are allowing to tell you anything about yourself that does not make you the apple of God’s eye is a lie. Sin is what separates us from God, but Jesus paid the ultimate price to cleanse us from our sins. When we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. Shouldn’t we, the saved, know who we are in Christ Jesus?

If you are a Christian and you are suffering with low self-esteem, I am shouting these truths to you right now:


You are special. Choose to believe it; it will change your life.  And then, your gifts can shine to share His love with others and change theirs, too!

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