So many people are trying to figure out just who they are and where to find happiness and purpose in this life but are seeking these things in all the wrong places. They try to find it in sexual relationships, careers, riches, even alcohol. Yet, the key to a truly abundant life isn’t based in those things.
Only a relationship with the Creator of the universe, God Himself, will truly satisfy and fulfill our inner most longings. If you are seeking a better way today, consider this:
1. God made you for specific and great purposes. He alone can reveal this to you. If you seek Him, you will be learning about your purpose from the One who made you. His great design for you will be so much more satisfying than anything that you can imagine on your own or that the world can provide.
2. The Lord is the one who gives us the blessings we desire in our hearts, for He put those desires in there in the first place. When you seek Him through prayer and reading the Bible, You will find what your purpose is, and you will want that purpose to be fulfilled once you know.
3. When you give up your life to God, He gives you so much more than you could have ever imagined. He knows the plans He has for you, for a future and for hope….walk with Him through Bible reading and prayer, reach out to others, and be a good steward of what God has given you. Your life will be blessed.
4. Salvation is a gift. Ask Jesus into your life and your heart. You don’t have to be perfect, because He is. He is the only One who can save you from your sins and give you eternal life, and life abundantly on this earth, too. If you really want a great life, seek the Maker.
There is only one YOU, and God designed you and knows who you are and why you’re on the planet :).
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