Marriage Building.
The Bible tells us that a wise woman build her home while the foolish woman tears it down with her own hands (Proverbs 14:1). This is true for men, too. If you are reading this, I’ll bet you have a desire to build rather than destroy yours, as those bent on destroying their marriage are probably not seeking out blog posts on how to improve ;). Yet, how easy is it to fall into some negative traps, careless talk, or hurtful actions? Unfortunately, if we are not diligent in guarding our words, actions, and attitudes, we can find that some pretty bad habits can form pretty quickly.
However, the good news is that we can CHOOSE to incorporate positive, life-giving, edifying words and actions into our marriages, too. It is all about focusing on WHAT really matters (a strong connection with your spouse), and WHO really matters (God and your spouse). After all, if we are seeking to honor God and to honor our spouses, we are ultimately going to be blessed, too. Plus, the legacy we are building for our children and our children’s children is built in the everyday moments and in the day after day practices that we model for them. So, if you feel you’ve aced the positive characteristics below, keep up the good work, but if you find the negative characteristics are too close for comfort, why not try on a habit or two from the first set?
7 Marriage Builders
Use Respectful Words and Attitudes
Calmly discuss
Build up/Praise spouse to others
Be Sexually Willing
Think more about your spouses needs than your own
Accept responsibility for your own failings
Remember what your spouse does right
7 Marriage Destroyers
Use Critical Words and Attitudes
Yell and Rage
Bad-mouth your spouse to others
Be Sexually Avoidant
Focus on ways your spouse has wronged you
Blame everything on your spouse
Remind yourself, your husband, and everyone else what your husband does wrong
Good News! You can choose how you will respond today; be good to your spouse!
Tell us in the comments below how you build your marriage!
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