It’s no wonder that the time young moms have available for God and husband may seem scrunched.  After all, an infant has to be fed, a toddler has to be potty-trained, a school-age child has to get homework done, and everyone needs to have clean clothes to wear and food to eat.

We acquire the role of chief fixer-upper of boo-boos, grocery shopping diva, sibling rivalry referee, and the exhaustion of every day in the mothering trenches.  However, most of us are likely to feel that there are extremely few things more rewarding than being “Mom.”

So, when is a mom able to re-group and just “be?”  Usually about the time that hubby is feeling amorous, and “mommy” is feeling anything but.  (If you just laughed, then this post is definitely for you!)

If your relationship with God and your Husband has fallen to the wayside due to mommy-hood, don’t get down on yourself; there are seasons to everything, and this season will pass, likely all to soon as you look back upon it.   However, God is the one who gave you your blessing of a husband and children, and He is the one who can give you strength for the daily grind.  He has a great plan for each member of your family, including you, and through spending time with Him each day, you are building your family on a solid foundation.

1) Place a Bible in several rooms of your home.  A Bible is most easily read when it is easily accessible.  Try putting one on the kitchen counter top, in each bathroom, or on the entryway table, coffee table, dining room table, or your nightstand.  How about placing one on the passenger seat of your car and downloading a Bible app on your smart phone?  Any of these options will put the Bible at your fingertips more readily and more likely to be quickly grabbed and read for a few moments.

2) Program your IPOD or Radio to Christian Music, and let it play while you do household chores, tuck the kiddos in for a nap, or get ready for the day.  You might also download podcasts, browse church websites for their Sunday Sermons, or try visiting for more listening options and great Christian teachings.

3) Take a few moments, and write out a new Scripture or a favorite Bible promise or two on index cards or stickies.  Place one above the kitchen sink, one on each bathroom mirror, one on your mini-van’s dashboard, or one on the kitchen table.

4) Commit to two minutes of prayer each morning with your spouse.  Before you part ways for the day, pray for him, and ask him to pray for you and the kids.  Say prayers of thankfulness to God for your family and blessings, and ask for wisdom and strength.  Start the day with the main goal of connecting with “GOD,” and you are already off to a great start!

5) Recognize that you can communicate with and learn from God in the everyday moments.  Changing the diaper of the beautiful miracle He placed in your care is an act of service, and therefore, an act of worship.  Caring for the least of these….is really one of the greatest things you will ever do.  Whisper a quick prayer over your sleeping baby.  Tell your toddler a Bible story during nap or bedtime tuck in.  Hug your husband tight, and tell him how glad you are that God gave him to you!  Through thankfulness in the everyday moments, service, love, and intentional seeking of the Lord, your passion for Him and relationship with Him will reignite.

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